The Python Tooling Revolution: Ruff and Uv

Tags: python, packaging


Python has been around for over 3 decades and has had continual tooling developments, and since the last couple of years it feels like things are starting to come together quite nicely. This is in big part thanks to Astral providing tools ruff anf uv, but also thanks to hard work of people pushing through packaging PEPs.

New programming languages tend to provide their own tooling (formatting, linting, build/packaging), which gives a smooth homogeneous experience when working with the language. For example Rust provides Cargo, Zig bundles everything into the zig command, etc. On the other hand we have older languages like C, C++, and Python whose tooling is playing catch-up with all the baggage of existing use-cases that must continue to be supported.

Python’s Tooling Model

Python does not directly provide tooling as a core part of the language. However there is a “Python Packaging Authority” (PyPA, with an associated PEP process for packaging standards ( This standards-driven approach allows for interoperability with other third-party tooling.

The well-known tool pip is managed under the “pypa” GitHub org ( alongside various other tools such as virtualenv, build, twine, flit, hatch and pipenv (see a full list at This illustrates that PyPA is not intended for providing a single tool for Python packaging, since this list includes overlap in functionality. There are other popular packaging projects such as poetry, pdm, tox, nox, and uv from Astral (discussed below).

Tools for formatting and linting are entirely separate, with popular options being black, isort, import-linter, flake8, pylint, and ruff from Astral (discussed below).

Additionally there are type checkers, with mypy being the most well-known tool, provided under the “python” GitHub org ( alongside CPython itself. This doesn’t really make mypy the type checker - Python’s typing is fully backed by a specification, meaning there are other compliant type checking implementations. One of the most widely used alternatives is pyright, used via the pylance VSCode extension. For some reason each of Microsoft, Google and Meta have their own type checkers, pyright, pytype and pyre respectively.

Unfortunately this proliferation of tooling, especially with the evolution of Python packaging and interactions with different OS systems, this has led to a popular XKCD: There is certainly an argument for wanting a single tool like cargo, but also advantages of allowing room for independent projects to innovate and for users to pick their preferred workflow (see this discussion). I think the most important thing is providing an obvious set of steps for beginners or people new to working with a project.

Recent Packaging PEPs

Below is a list of some recent packaging PEPs which have been gradually transforming Python’s packaging story and paving the way for tooling interoperablity.

Choosing Project Tools

There are a few considerations when choosing the tools you want to use for a project:

Here are some example scenarios I’ve worked with:


Ruff was the first Python tool produced by Astral, which is a linter and formatter with a big focus on performance (see the link).

I was previously an enthusiastic black user and semi-reluctant pylint user. I hesitated before picking up ruff, not wanting to just use the latest hip thing - I prefer to favour consistency and stability across projects. However, when trying ruff check the benefits were immediately obvious: performance is incredible, provides a superset of the pylint rules, reporting of errors is very clear, configuration is straightforward, documentation is excellent, there is clean separation of rules in preview mode, and above all else the --fix flag is a huge win to automatically fix certain rule violations.

On the other hand I have not switched from black to ruff format. This is partly because I have less complaints with black than pylint, so less need to switch. However, the bigger reason is wanting consistency between projects, where it is expected for developers to have the IDE set up to run black, and the fact that there are some differences in the formatting between black and ruff is problematic in this case.

The ruff formatter has known deviations listed at Many of these do look sensible/better. However, my main complaint isn’t actually mentioned there but at “# fmt: on and # fmt: off comments are enforced at the statement level”. This means that in the example below (which is by far my most common use of the fmt: off directive) ruff ignores the directive:
        # fmt: off
        "pytest", *paths,
        "--log-cli-level", "debug",
        "--report-dir", REPORT_DIR,
        # fmt: on


After having such a good experience with ruff, I was a bit more keen to try out uv. Being such a heavy user of Python I already had workflows that were fairly effective for me, mostly using python3 -m venv for creating virtual environments and pip with requirements files. Without knowing much about uv the initial selling point was its purported speed.

Initial Use - Installing Packages

Therefore, my initial use of uv was just to replace pip commands with uv pip commands - I think this drop-in interface is excellent for giving new users a way in without having to learn a new interface. I don’t think I was prepared for just how good the experience was.

Here’s a message I sent immediately after trying it:

uv is amazing, so fast…

on WSL2:

This was the start of me using uv for virtual environment creation and package installation by default! In cases where I wanted to continue supporting pip workflows I simply used:

I would then commit the requirements.txt and not commit the uv.lock file (since they would then need to be kept in sync). There is also the option of using --frozen or UV_FROZEN=1 to skip creation of the uv.lock file.

Note that --all-groups is not yet a released flag under uv pip commands, although the PR was merged 1 hour ago! Also note that while uv pip install and uv pip compile match the behaviour of pip install and pip-compile, installing only the project’s direct dependencies by default, uv sync defaults to installing the dev dependency group.

The uv pip interface is well documented at

Uv Project Workflows

At some point, when working on a project where I opted to go all-in with uv (uv.lock instead of requirements.txt), I decided to try using the uv add command in place of uv pip install for adding a dependency to the project. This command installs the dependency into the virtual environment, but it also updates the pyproject.toml dependencies! Looking at uv add --help I then discovered uv add --dev for adding development dependencies (in the dev dependency group), which is installed by default by uv sync as mentioned above.

This is a fantastic workflow, defaulting to consistent use of modern Python packaging features. For more details see

An example pyproject.toml when using this uv workflow is shown below.

name = "myproject"
version = 0.1.0
dependencies = ["pyyaml"]

aws = ["boto3"]

requires = ["setuptools>=72.0.0"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

dev = [
  "pytest >=8.1.1,<9",

Downloading Python Versions

I also heard from somewhere (probably Charlie Marsh on Twitter) that uv supports downloading requested Python versions via the python-build-standalone project ( This provides another incredible piece in making running things under Python convenient in many different scenarios. See for more details.

For example, I can start a minimal rootless Alpine container and install Python:

(lewis)$ podman run --rm -it alpine
/ # apk add curl
(1/10) Installing ca-certificates (20241121-r1)
(2/10) Installing brotli-libs (1.1.0-r2)
(3/10) Installing c-ares (1.33.1-r0)
(4/10) Installing libunistring (1.2-r0)
(5/10) Installing libidn2 (2.3.7-r0)
(6/10) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.62.1-r0)
(7/10) Installing libpsl (0.21.5-r1)
(8/10) Installing zstd-libs (1.5.6-r0)
(9/10) Installing libcurl (8.12.1-r0)
(10/10) Installing curl (8.12.1-r0)
Executing busybox-1.36.1-r29.trigger
Executing ca-certificates-20241121-r1.trigger
OK: 13 MiB in 24 packages
/ # curl -LsSf | sh
downloading uv 0.6.6 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-static
no checksums to verify
installing to /root/.local/bin
everything's installed!

To add $HOME/.local/bin to your PATH, either restart your shell or run:

    source $HOME/.local/bin/env (sh, bash, zsh)
    source $HOME/.local/bin/ (fish)
/ # ln -s ~/.local/bin/uv /usr/bin/
/ # uv run -p 3.13 python3
Python 3.13.2 (main, Mar 11 2025, 17:21:04) [Clang 14.0.3 ] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

That magic uv run -p 3.13 command is installing a standalone Python compatible with musl libc under the covers, as shown explicitly here:

/ # uv python install 3.12
Installed Python 3.12.9 in 2.45s
 + cpython-3.12.9-linux-x86_64-musl

This whole thing is taking under 10 seconds!

(lewis)$ time podman run --rm alpine sh -c '( apk add curl && curl -LsSf | UV_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/bin/ sh ) >/dev/null && uv run -p 3.13 python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"'
downloading uv 0.6.6 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-static
Downloading cpython-3.13.2-linux-x86_64-musl (17.8MiB)
 Downloaded cpython-3.13.2-linux-x86_64-musl
3.13.2 (main, Mar 11 2025, 17:21:04) [Clang 14.0.3 ]

real    0m7.941s
user    0m0.111s
sys     0m0.000s

Run Tools Without Virtual Environments

To add one final layer on top (although I recommend also looking at, uv supports installing packages and running a command in a single command. Of course, this can be combined with the ability to install Python itself as shown above.

For example, to install and run isort you can simply use uv tool run isort. Or, to run the latest version of minegauler from the dev branch you can simply run:
uv tool run --from git+ minegauler

Note that uv tool run is equivalent to uvx, which is shorter if you have it downloaded!

See for more details on uv tool commands.

Updating Uv

If uv was installed using the script provided on the website, then to update you can simply run uv self update. This seems to just bring in more and more amazing features and improvements!

Sample Project Configuration

Here’s a sample ruff configuration snippet from pyproject.toml that I like to use, including enabling isort rules.

exclude = [
select = [
    # pydocstyle
    # Pyflakes
    # pycodestyle
    # isort
    # pep8-naming
    # pyupgrade
    # flake8-2020
    # flake8-async
    # flake8-bandit
    "S506",  # unsafe-yaml-load
    # flake8-bugbear
    # flake8-executable
    # flake8-pie
    # flake8-pyi
    # flake8-simplify
    # pylint
    "PLE",      # errors
    "PLW",      # warnings
    "PLR1711",  # useless-return
    # Ruff-specific rules
ignore = [
    # pydocstyle
    "D105",  # undocumented-magic-method
    "D107",  # undocumented-public-init
    "D203",  # one-blank-line-before-class
    "D205",  # blank-line-after-summary
    "D212",  # multi-line-summary-first-line
    "D401",  # non-imperative-mood
    # Pyflakes
    "F403",  # undefined-local-with-import-star
    "F841",  # unused-variable
    # pycodestyle
    "E402",  # module-import-not-at-top-of-file
    "E501",  # line-too-long
    # pep8-naming
    "N802",  # invalid-function-name
    # pylint warnings
    "PLW3201",  # bad-dunder-method-name
    # flake8-pyi
    "PYI041",  # redundant-numeric-union
    # pyupgrade
    "UP015",  # redundant-open-modes
    "UP032",  # f-string
    # flake8-bugbear
    "B011",  # assert-false
    # Ruff-specific rules
    "RUF028",  # invalid-formatter-suppression-comment
    # flake8-simplify
    "SIM102",  # collapsible-if
    "SIM108",  # if-else-block-instead-of-if-exp
    "SIM117",  # multiple-with-statements
task-tags = ["TODO", "FIXME", "XXX", "@@@"]

lines-after-imports = 2
section-order = [
sections.internal = ["myproject_internal"]

The file is excluded because it is generated by hatch-vcs (a project related to hatch/hatchling, an alternative to setuptools in this case), which gets the version from the project’s git tags (setuptools-scm is another project that does this).

For completeness, the section of config for the project build looks like:

name = "myproject"
dynamic = ["version"]

requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-vcs"]
build-backend = ""

source = "vcs"

version-file = "src/myproject/"

In src/myproject/ I then have:

    from ._version import __version__
except ImportError:
    __version__ = "unknown"


Astral has introduced two amazing tools, which are reliable, blazingly fast, have incredible documentation, are well maintained, and deserve all the praise they’re getting. I couldn’t agree with the company’s stated beliefs more strongly:

We believe that a great tool can have an outsized impact.

– That a great tool can multiply the effectiveness of individual developers, teams, and entire organizations.

We build in the open. Our tools are open source and permissively licensed.

We strive to advance existing standards and integrate with the broader ecosystem.

We value openness. We value action. We value craft.

Ruff provides an incredible linting experience, especially with the auto-fixing mode. Uv is absolutely transformative, combining with PEPs 723 (Inline script metadata) and 725 (Dependency Groups in pyproject.toml) to provide workflows never seen before in the Python ecosystem, surely obsoleting a huge number of custom-rolled solutions to the same problems.

There are two upcoming things I’m keeping a close eye on. The first is the announcement from Charlie Marsh in January that Astral is working on a type checker, tracked by

The second is PEP 751 (A file format to record Python dependencies for installation reproducibility), which should hopefully remove the awkwardness around choosing between requirements.txt and uv.lock for locked dependencies, where we can be hugely confident that uv will support exporting to this new pylock.toml format, probably before any other tool out there!

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